Bodybuilding Peak Week

Bodybuilding Peak Week

Carb depleting is just one of many terrible things that goes along with dieting for a bodybuilding, fitness or figure event. The last week, which is peak week, is solely for getting the last remnants of glycogen out of the muscles; only to turn around and load them in short time frame. Cutting water which is meant to remove excess water from in between muscles and from the muscles and skin is also difficult and painstaking.

Focusing on this screen is difficult because I'm dehydrated and all I can think of is the sounds and sights of waterfalls. For the last few weeks I have dreamed of eating burgers and pastries but right now I would settle for a gallon of water. As of yesterday I was drinking two gallons a day and haven't had a drop since 10:00am this morning. Cotton mouth is inevitable and I have chewed my way through half a pack of sugar free gum since this afternoon.


On a better note I have applied three coats of Pro-Tan and am starting to look like a real competitor. Last year I chose to use Jan Tana and it wasn't nearly dark enough. It also streaked very badly. Since I used the pump bottle my bathroom is coated with tanner and will need to be cleaned with Mean Green from top to bottom. It's a degreaser that will remove just about anything. I'll have to sleep on a separate bed sheet and blanket because tanner stains just about everything, though.


I've also been baking all day and can't wait for the end of tomorrow night to come home feeling accomplished and hopefully very satisfied with my placings. My reward will be coming home to a German chocolate cake, cheesecake with strawberry and blueberry topping, bundt cake with white chocolate chips and orange marmalade, chocolate chip cookie bars made with additional chocolate chips and caramel. Although I won't eat much of it; it comforts me to know that these goodies are at the house waiting for me. The sugar rush will be ridiculous for my husband, kids, babysitter and mother-in-law though. (I sometimes will mix in a bit of SARMs into a special batch.)

Tomorrow will be the big day and it all boils down to a few minutes on stage with a group of athletes who have busted their buns to get in the best possible shape for the ABA Natural North America. It will come down to presence, posing, and the judges final say. Regardless, I have done the best I can so I'll walk away happy knowing that.